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Based on pain science, simply put: pain is an output, an alarm signal from our brain to tell us that something needs attention and spot-lighting it. Pain is meant to be a friend, it’s meant to protect us. If we didn’t feel pain we’d keep hurting yourselves. 

And yes, pain is real! You can’t imagine pain. It is a tangible, physical sensation perceived by our brain. And here's an intriguing fact: Pain cannot be measured by what can be seen on imaging or scan reports. There’s no equation that says the deeper the injury the more the pain or the smaller the injury the lesser the pain. 

Now, how we respond to pain is unique to each of us. Our brain custom-makes our own unique sensation, quality, volume and intensity of pain based on all of our past life’s experiences. Two people with the same injury and circumstance can feel pain very very differently. And knowing this is essential in treating pain, especially chronic pain.


Our brain is essentially and constantly interested in this most important question: ‘Am I safe?’ If your brain is influenced by past memories of danger or threat or trigger, it’s not going to be able to resolve, thereby keeping the pain alive. Danger is bad news that travels fast in our 3D nervous system, sensitizing it and thereby creating a false-alarm which is constantly on high alert.

Finally, some good news: The science of neuroplasticity tells us that the same nerves that can amplify danger can also unlearn pain. Nerves learn to rewire and desensitize with signals of safety. In BCST we help our clients desensitize, regulate and balance the nervous system helping them overcome pain, reduce inflammation and lower the volume of the perceived threat keeps the body on high alert.

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